The day could have not been more beautiful even if we had planned it. Nice weather + beautiful park + gorgeous mom-to-be = amazing pictures!
I had a great time photographing this expecting couple. I could feel their love for one another as well as the excitement and joy for the new baby to come. Brenda is stunning... Pregnancy really suits her well. Wishing you many blessings for the time ahead and the soon coming bundle of joy! My dear friend Adriana Ortiz from Adriana Ortiz Designs made the beautiful flower halo for this beautiful mom-to-be. She is a great craftier and artist. If you want to check all of her products, make a stop at her shop on Etsy. Enjoy!
It was an informal night... Nothing much really planned, but it turned out to be an awesome time for pictures. We started off at some point in Whitby and ended up taking a few more pictures on the beach at the Whitby Shores.
Enjoy! |